Saturday, February 19, 2011


Salam Hi Hello Konichiwa Bonjour :D
how are you people? doing fine?
hm you know what,haihh our spm result will be announce in this short time
OhMyAllah :O this is soooooooooooooooooooo uncool ! keep thinking hows my result gonna be
is it great? :D or is it so-oh disappointing? :(

let's read ;

"Ya Allah,kau tenangkanlah hati kami,kau permudahkanlah urusan kami,kau berikanlah rezeki kepada kami,sesungguhnya kami telah berusaha sedaya upaya kami,kau berikanlah kami keputusan SPM yg cemerlang,bukan untuk kami tetapi utk kedua ibu bapa kami yg mengharapkan yg terbaik utk kami. Sesungguhnya kau Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang,kami tawakal terhadap mu Ya Allah,janganlah kau jadikan keputusan kami mengecewakan kami serta ibu bapa kami,azab melihat ibu bapa kami kecewa Ya Allah.Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim,kaulah harapan kami,harapan semua makhluk Ya Allah,makbulkanlah doa kami ini,sesungguhnya kaulah yg Maha Agung lagi Tinggi"

Hopefully Allah makbulkan eh? hihi
if aku dapat satu A satu hari aku akan berpuase,insyaAllah (:
Kalau semua A? aku puase ikut semua A tu laaa haha *harapharaplaa banyak A kan hehe
Ya Allah,kau realisasikanlah nazar aku tu :D
To all my friends who take SPM this year,goodluck and kalau dapat keputusan yg gempak tu jangan riak,halohalo ah aku haha for those yg tk bernasib baik,hm never give up okay? orang yg tkde spm pun boleh berjaya (:
take care friends,
the end.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Assalamualaikum ! Heloooooooooo peeps ! :D
fuhh lately ni,busy je dgn my works,yelaa org dh bekerjaya kan tp 2 mggu je pun
im working fr my dad,em msukkan analysis and report bagai,apeee?sng?mmg sng kalau satu due je ni almost thousand! i repeat THOUSAND! Fuhhhhhhh
tkpe tkpe,payment dpt,pahale pun dpt Hehe
hm last,this and upcoming week(s) i was,i am and i will week 21st -and 22nd driving class,23rd jpj test,24th i will flyy like a G6, eh fly to kuching sarwk Hahaha lets flyyyyyy~ up up here we go eh hahaha
my best buddy ezmir,ajim and naem will fly with me kinda mcm vacation with friendsla kan woww eff-ing excited :D
oh yeah,today one of my best friend Mr Van Firdauz will back to village HAHA
ezmir,ajim plus ehemm syakirr <-- comel gila nama. will send him to the pelabuhan udara,KLIA
gonna eat shitzz when your gone boobs haha
so take care there,we will come to you next week haha
aku tau kau tk lame sane,mkn taikla kau kt sane en nti,aku jamin ahh haha
take care
the end.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

dream high

He he he lo du ni aaaaaaa ! Haha
eh ape bnde atas tu? Haaaaa tula yg mnjadi idaman aku skrg hoho
semuenya bermula die rhapsody valley music store dkt midvalley
mule mule masuk saje je nmk tgk,tbe tbe teringin nk cr fuzz ke distort punye effect kan
tbe tbe sorang brotha ni tgr,tnyela cr ape nk ape
ckp ah cr distort fr bass kan lps tu die kate baik beli ni,aku igt GT-10B ke GT-6 ke,mampus aku nk beli,alamatnye tk kawen ah aku nnti
lps tu die pun ckp,"kau gile nk beli GT?baik kau beli ni ni paling murah aku blh bg 8rat" fuyooo murah gila kan kan kan? haha
dlm hati aku nk try tau tp seganlaa,try tp tk beli buat ape hm
tbe tbe abg tu tanye nk try ke tk, aku punn fuhh smgt mstila nk kan ! haha
aku trylaaaaaa,main lagu muse sume,fuhh sumpah layannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !
tu yg smgt cr keje,aku nk beli bnde ni,puhleaseeeeeee ? ):
okaylaa thts it fr today
tc tc tc! bye bye bye!
the end.